Vanita Bhalla

Rising the Tide: How Vanita Bhalla Strives Both Professionally and Politically To Help Others Use Their Voice A lifelong commitment to bringing out the best in others, Bhalla always brings her best self to her job and to local politics. This week,… Read More

Lisa Tepper Bates

Say What You Need To Say: How Lisa Tepper Bates’ fearless leadership, coalition building and question asking set a local and national model for addressing homelessness Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, this Emerge alumna is working to keep Connecticut safe, housed, and healthy.  This… Read More

Letter: Portland DTC pledges to pursue equity, inclusion

To the Editor: The Portland Democratic Town Committee stands with all those in Connecticut, across the United States, and around the world who are raising their voices in protest against systemic racism and police brutality. We are appalled by the murder of George Floyd. We mourn his death and others who… Read More

Misguided protesters undermine safe re-opening

It’s time to say a word about the “Re-Open America” movement. Throughout the country – and here in Connecticut as recently as Monday – small gatherings of self-proclaimed “patriots” are protesting the continued stay-at-home orders and physical distancing. Far from being brave freedom fighters, these people are reckless, selfish and… Read More